

Many elements of Dask that are foundational in the design of Reshapr are explored in this dask_expts notebook (best viewed via nbviewer.org at dask_expts.ipynb). Those elements include:

  • Dask’s task graph architecture

  • details of its threads, processes, and cluster schedulers

  • the role that chunking plays in conjunction with those things

The results of that exploration were applied to one of the research task needs that is a motivator for Reshapr:

in this atlantis_nudge_diatoms notebook (best viewed via nbviewer.org at atlantis_nudge_diatoms.ipynb).

Code from that notebook was extracted into a Python module with a minimal command-line interface. That module was the prototype for the reshapr extract sub-command and contributed to the conceptualization of several of the abstractions that are used in Reshapr.