Package Structure

├── docs
│   ├── design_notes
│   ├── _static
│   ├── subcommands
│   └── _templates
├── envs
├── .github
│   └── workflows
├── reshapr
│   ├── api
│   ├── cli
│   ├── core
│   └── utils
└── tests

Package Code Tree: reshapr/


Coming soon…


reshapr/cli/ contains the Click commands group into which sub-commands must be registered, and the reshapr.add_command() calls to register the sub-commands.

It is also where configuration of the structlog logging framework happens. All console output from the sub-commands is done via that logging.

The other modules in reshapr/cli/ contain the Click command-line interface functions for each of the sub-commands; e.g. reshapr.cli.extract.extract().


The modules in reshapr/core/ contain the implementation of the sub-commands; e.g. reshapr.core.extract.


The functions in the reshapr/core/ modules are not intended to be called directly. They are accessed either via their command-line interface in reshapr/cli/, or via their API interface in reshapr/api/.


Coming soon…